
About Pathways


Why Pathways?

At Pathways Academy, students will work at their own pace while applying learning and time management skills, and where all students dedicate their high school years to getting ready and focused for college experience and career paths. Failure is not an option.

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High Quality Instruction
High quality instruction and learning are organized so that students can make and find meaning in their school experiences.
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Extended Learning
Extended learning time offers the students not only more on-task involvement in curricular and extracurricular activities but also an extended day program that provides flexibility for students who need additional instructional support or those whose schedules do permit them to attend school during traditional hours.
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Flexible Learning Environments
Students become empowered and take charge of their school trajectory; teachers engage students by creating flexible learning environments and opportunities to develop critical thinking skills.
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Classrooms are Safe
Classrooms are safe, nurturing, and invite interaction and self-learning. Behavior expectations are clearly outlined and included in the Student Handbook.
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Complex Support System
Parents are an integral part of the complex support system that students need in order to consistently improve their knowledge and acquire college and career readiness skills.
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Challenging Task & Activities
Teachers use challenging tasks and activities to foster critical thinking, high expectations and assist students in knowing how to mediate their own learning.
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Dedicated Professionals
All staff are dedicated professionals who are passionate about educating, motivating and encouraging our unique population so that they are prepared to be effective parents and productive citizens.

Teachers are certified and highly qualified educators who are committed to providing a 21st-Century education.
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Utilizing Multiple Measures
Teachers reflect the philosophy that “all children will learn” in all aspects of their interaction with students and in their classroom environment by exhibiting high expectations for student performance, providing appropriate scaffolding and utilizing multiple measures to demonstrate academic achievement of students.

Empowering Students through Personalized Learning and Time Management

At Pathways Academy, students will work at their own pace while applying learning and time management skills, and where all students dedicate their high school years to getting ready and focused for college experience and career paths. Failure is not an option. General education skills are taught within a caring and supporting environment, while applied knowledge and community service are part of the curriculum requirements. Students will see a distinct connection between the core curriculum and the real-world, while project-based and collaborative learning shapes each student’s pathway to college and career readiness. With the help of technology, learning is extended beyond the four walls of the traditional classroom.

Pathways Academy Bulletin Board

See this area for special announcements

Special announcements

We offer year-round open enrollment to pregnant teens and young moms and dads

Since opening our doors in 2014, Pathways Academy, has been chartered to serve students
in the Metropolitan Detroit area in grades 7-12, ages 12-22 and up to age 26 for students

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